
Her Story简介

Her Story
Her Story
Her Story
平台 android
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Her Story is the critically acclaimed mystery game from Sam Barlow. Playing like an interactive true crime documentary, the game lets you go hands on with a police database full of live action video footage. It stars Viva Seifert, actress and one half of the band Joe Gideon and the Shark. ** Winner of 3 Bafta Awards, 2 IGF Awards, 3 GDC Awards, Best Narrative & Best Performance at The Game Awards 2015, The Grand Jury Award at IndieCade, Polygon's Game of the Year, SXSW Mobile Game of the Year, Webby Award for Best Mobile Game, 5 IMGA Awards and more! ** "Her Story is one of the most entrancing experiences you can hope to find on mobile" 9/10, Pocket Gamer "It’s a murder case where you’re in the detective’s chair, a mystery where you make the running, and an engrossing experience from start to finish. With this we should consign the term “interactive movie” to history’s dustbin, because movies can’t dream of offering audiences a narrative structure as intimate and involving as this: they’re just moving pictures. Her Story points to the future" 5/5, The Guardian How does it work? Her Story sits you in front of a mothballed desktop computer and logs you into a police database. Search through hundreds of video clips that cover seven interviews from 1994 in which a British woman is interviewed about her missing husband. Explore the database by typing search terms, watch the clips where she speaks those words and piece together her story. "Her Story is a beautiful amalgam of the cinema and video game formats... a remarkable achievement..." 90, The Washington Post "Profound, gripping live-action drama… sure to be discussed for years to come" 5/5, Digital Spy Unlike anything you've played before, Her Story is an involving and moving experience. One that asks you to listen. 她的故事是山姆巴洛广受好评谜游戏。像玩一个互动的真实罪行纪实,游戏中可以让你去动手与警方数据库完全真人录像。据星辰万岁塞弗特,演员和乐队乔基甸和鲨鱼的一半。 ** 3 BAFTA奖,2 IGF奖,3 GDC奖得主最佳故事片和在游戏大奖2015最佳性能,大陪审团奖IndieCade,年度多边形的比赛中,年度SXSW手机游戏,威比奖最佳手机游戏,5 IMGA大奖和更多! ** “她的故事是最迷人的经验之一,您可以希望能找到移动” 9/10,口袋Gamer “这是一宗谋杀案,你在侦探的椅子上,在您进行跑步是一个谜是,从开始到结束的一个引人入胜的体验。有了这个,我们应该委托术语”互动电影“历史的垃圾桶,因为电影可以'提供受众叙事结构亲密,涉及,因为这牛逼的梦想:他们只是运动图像她的故事指向未来“的5/5,监护人 它是如何工作的? 她的故事,你坐在了封存台式电脑和日志你面前警务数据库。搜索通过数百个,涵盖自1994年七次面谈的视频片段,其中一位女采访关于她失踪的丈夫。通过键入搜索词浏览数据库,看她说的那些话和拼凑她的故事的素材。 “她的故事的电影和视频游戏格式,一个美丽的汞合金......一个了不起的成就。”90,华盛顿邮报 “博大精深,扣人心弦的真人剧......肯定会被讨论多年来”5/5,数字式间谍 不同于你以前玩过,她的故事是一个涉及和移动体验。一说要你听。
更新日志 版本更新于2016年10月11日
Version 10 - Fixes bug where database window disappears after completion