
Wordington: A Word Story简介

Wordington: A Word Story
Wordington: A Word Story
Wordington: A Word Story
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Follow the memorable word story together with Emma! Help her to renovate her Grandpa’s beautiful old mansion. You design the interior and exterior of the house by fixing what’s already there, choosing various objects, and so much more. In order for the story to progress, you will need to solve crossword puzzles. Beat and complete these crossword levels to unlock new chapters in the story, new rooms to renovate and a few hidden mysteries left from her Grandpa! Adventures are around every turn, including a little bit of romance. The game features all sorts of excitement: ✿ A new type of word genre: Solve word puzzles to help Emma renovate the old mansion. ✿ Interior design: Create your dream house, you decide how it will look! ✿ Exciting crosswords: This game really needs a true word puzzle master, are you the one? ✿ Fun characters: Meet Pizza David, Handyman Bob and more. Is it possibly some romance going on between Emma and David… ✿ A cute pet: Meet the cute dog Max and see what adventures he brings. The old mansion is in desperate need of a makeover. Emma can’t do it alone. You can show off your decorating skills by choosing various components for the bedroom, living room, kitchen, garden, and more. Maximize the fun by being in control of all of the design decisions. You’ll get to pick and choose many of the new items that go into the house, ensuring that you have a say on the final appearance. As soon as you solve your first crossword puzzle, you are on your way helping Emma fix up the old mansion and make it to your dream house! Learn more about the game on Face****: https://www.face****.com/wordingtongame/ Questions? Contact our support team by sending an email to support@qiiwi.com 与艾玛一起关注令人难忘的单词故事!帮她翻新爷爷漂亮的老宅。您可以通过固定已经存在的东西,选择各种物体等来设计房屋的内部和外部。 为了让故事取得进展,你需要解决填字游戏。打败并完成这些填字游戏关卡以解开故事中的新篇章,翻新的新房间以及她爷爷留下的一些隐藏的秘密! 冒险在每一个转折点,包括一点浪漫。 游戏中有各种各样的兴奋: ✿一种新型的单词类型:解决单词拼图,以帮助艾玛翻新旧的豪宅。 ✿室内设计:创建你梦想中的房子,你决定它的外观! ✿令人兴奋的填字游戏:这个游戏真的需要一个真正的单词拼图大师,你是一个? ✿有趣的角色:遇见Pizza David,Handyman Bob等。可能是艾玛和大卫之间发生了一些浪漫关系...... ✿一只可爱的宠物:遇见可爱的狗Max,看看他带来了什么冒险。 旧豪宅迫切需要改造。艾玛无法独自完成。您可以通过选择卧室,起居室,厨房,花园等各种组件来展示您的装饰技巧。通过控制所有设计决策来最大化乐趣。您可以选择许多进入房屋的新物品,确保您对最终外观有发言权。 一旦你解决了第一个填字游戏,你就可以帮助艾玛修复旧的豪宅,并将它带到你梦想中的房子! 在Face****上了解有关游戏的更多信息: https://www.face****.com/wordingtongame/ 有问题吗?请发送电子邮件至support@qiiwi.com与我们的支持团队联系