
The Magical Typewriter简介

The Magical Typewriter
The Magical Typewriter
The Magical Typewriter
平台 android
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A unique open-world wizard simulator with magic, spells, and adventure! The world of The Magical Typewriter is a rich, vibrant, and beautiful place full of adventure and things to do. Many different objects in the world can interact in interesting ways. You can cast different spells with a magic wand, fly with your broomstick, brew magic potions and write with the magical typewriter to earn coins. In the game story, you are a young wizard or a witch who lives inside a huge magical castle with others. As you meet different characters and discover new places you soon learn that something very dark is happening. A lot of young wizards and witches have recently gone missing and nobody knows where! Your adventure takes exciting turns as you find out what has happened and as you try to stop the evil forces that are rising from the depths of Grim Mountains. Start your adventure in the magical world now! • Move around freely wherever you want • Hours of gameplay • Get your own pet owl • Customize your character • Use a magic wand to cast spells • Brew magic potions and use them • Explore the magical world inside and outside • Play with players worldwide • Read and write in the guestbook • Meet characters and creatures like goblins, trolls, and dragons • Fly on broomstick • Morph yourself into a cat • Type with the magical typewriter for coins and glory • Solve puzzles • Play piano, chess and much more! 一个独特的开放世界向导模拟器,带有魔法,法术和冒险! The Magical Typewriter的世界是一个充满冒险和活动的丰富,充满活力和美丽的地方。世界上许多不同的对象可以以有趣的方式进行交互。你可以用魔杖施放不同的法术,用扫帚飞行,酿造魔法水,并用魔法打字机书写以赚取金币。 在游戏故事中,你是一个年轻的巫师,或者和其他人一起生活在巨大魔法城堡里的女巫。当你遇到不同的角色并发现新的地方时,你很快就会发现一些非常黑暗的事情正在发生。最近很多年轻的巫师和女巫都失踪了,没有人知道在哪里!当你发现发生的事情并试图阻止从格里姆山脉深处升起的邪恶势力时,你的冒险需要激动人心的转折。 现在开始在神奇的世界冒险! •随意移动到任何地方 •游戏时间 •获取自己的宠物猫头鹰 •自定义角色 •使用魔杖施放法术 •酿造魔法水并使用它们 •探索内外的神奇世界 •与全球玩家一起玩 •在留言簿中读写 •遇到地精,巨魔和龙等角色和生物 •飞行扫帚 •将自己变成一只猫 •键入带有硬币和荣耀的神奇打字机 •解决难题 •弹钢琴,国际象棋等等!