

游戏介绍:A BIZARRE AND UNEXPECTED JOURNEY Dying is not the end, but one step forward towards victory. Sharpen your bioengineered swords, prepare your fleshy rifles and set your tactical abilities. To earn your place on Kepler0, you must win the war against the Ancestors: mysterious, god-like humanoids that want to exterminate us. SIGN UP FOR THE PLAYTEST AND JOIN THE HUNT JOIN OUR COMMUNITY TO FOLLOW THE DEVELOPMENT GO MELEE, GO RANGE, GO TACTICAL The combat of CRETE is intense, fast, tactical and full of unique moments. Find your style and combine devastating Melee attacks with precise Range shots, use your abilities to create opportunities, protect yourself or your partner, or blast all your enemies at once. TRUE COOPERATIVE You can play CRETE as a lonely warrior, however, playing together is the ultimate experience. Combine your attacks, protect each other, find your synchronized tactics and share your progress. Cooperation is not an option but the only way to survive on this planet. The world is waiting to demonstrate the real meaning of teamwork. IMPROVE USING BIOENGINEERING Mutate your body and weapons using DNA samples, mutations and organic devices. You will find dozens of biomechanical weapons, ready to be mutated with millions of combinations. Help to develop different buildings and investigations in the base camp and find new ways of getting stronger through advanced bioengineering.