
Battle Royale in Early Access简介

Battle Royale in Early Access
Battle Royale in Early Access
Battle Royale in Early Access
平台 android
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This is our interpretation of the Top Down Battle Royale genre. This game is in Early Access. ✪ Ultimate action shooter available on mobile devices. Each battle places you on a remote island where you fight against 29 other players. Players freely choose their starting point on the map and try to stay in the safe area for as long as possible. ✪ Vehicles SHARP run away from your enemies. Fast but fragile. SHELLSHOCK slow but packs a heavy punch and thick armour. MONSTER with a turbocharged V8 engine and medium armour. CRUSHER if you like throwing rocks and bulldozing your enemies. ✪ Real and smooth graphics Easy to use control and smooth graphics promises the best survival experience you will find on your mobile phone. ✪ Features - 30 players in battle royale mode - Vehicles with different abilities and weapons - 20 characters (skin leveling up) - 10 weapons and other items (health, ammo, specials) - Demolishion mode - Find hidden Easter eggs ✪ Contact Us + Report Bugs + Ideas for game improvement Email: flyingbeagle.dev@gmail.com ✪ Coming in the future + Squads + 2nd weapon + more Maps & more Vehicles ✪ Notes + Invite friends and get 500 Coins for each invited friend who reaches rank #2 + We are working on game optimizations and fine tuning - work in progress 这是我们对Top Down Battle Royale流派的诠释。这场比赛是在早期访问。 ✪移动设备上提供终极动作射击游戏。每场战斗都会让你在一个遥远的岛屿上与其他29名玩家作战。玩家可以在地图上自由选择起点,并尽可能长时间地呆在安全区域。 ✪车辆 夏普远离你的敌人。快但脆弱。 SHELLSHOCK缓慢但包装沉重的拳头和厚厚的盔甲。 MONSTER配备涡轮增压V8发动机和中型装甲。 如果你喜欢扔石头和推土机你的敌人,那就破碎吧。 ✪真实流畅的图形 易于使用的控制和流畅的图形承诺您将在手机上找到最佳的生存体验。 ✪功能 - 战斗royale模式中的30名玩家 - 具有不同能力和武器的车辆 - 20个字符(皮肤升级) - 10种武器和其他物品(健康,弹,特价) - 拆除模式 - 找到隐藏的复活节彩蛋 ✪联系我们 +报告错误 +游戏改进的想法 电子邮件:flyingbeagle.dev@gmail.com ✪即将到来 +小队 +第二武器 +更多地图和更多车辆 ✪笔记 +邀请朋友,为每位排名第2的受邀朋友获得500枚硬币 +我们正致力于游戏优化和微调 - 正在进行中