
Drag Battle简介

Drag Battle
Drag Battle
Drag Battle
平台 android
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Real racing experience waits for you in Drag Battle: Car Race Game 4 Real Racers. It is a high quality racing game that stands out among other race games with great graphics and gameplay. Not only one can drive in ‘inside view’ manner, but also enjoy creativity like building new parts from your own drafts, applying them on the cars and win the RACE . Over 5 million thankful racers and drivers are enjoying the game! ⭐️STYLING CAR Styling features allow you to change the look and feel of your car, from headlights to body kits. A wide selection of color and coloring types. You can become a real mechanic for your car. A wide range of improvements: both visual, in the form of body kit, wheel rims, body extensions and different types of payments, and improvements affecting the technical characteristics of vehicles. DRIVER'S SKILLS Upgrade your driver's level by learning new skills. There are dozens of new abilities and it's up to you to decide what your build is going to be like. Learn the way real extreme racers do their job by levelling up and training new your skills in the racing game. Career mode includes 30 bosses, 10 tournaments and championships. TUNING You are sure to love the non-linear car upgrade model. Hundreds of spare parts are waiting for your tweaks in the game. Don't have the right one? Win them in races or use your own drafts to create parts to your liking. This game is a great car mechanic simulator that will let you be a real tuning master for your car. This car upgrade feature makes each race count in reaching the best results and winning new parts for your car. There are 50 cars of different classes: from standard urban sedans to supercars and special dragsters. DRIVING PHYSICS Enjoy a really true-to-life racing game. Aerodynamics, tyre composition, weight distribution, power-to-weight ratio. Every detail matters! VARIETY OF LOCATIONS There are 4 regions with variety of locations: quests and different routes, special sport tracks, as well as urban, suburban, industrial routes for illegal competitors. MAIN FEATURES: ✔️REALISTIC physics of the car on the track ✔️EXCLUSIVE for the genre of drag racing the view of the car: from the rear and from the car’s interior ✔️VISUAL improvements of the car, bonnet, spoiler, bumper and so on. ✔️RPG element: the ability to pump not only the car, but also the character’s skills. ✔️VARIETY of types of races, ranging from classical, for ¼ a mile and a mile, and ending with the breakout racing. ✔️Warming up tires option before the race that affects the result ✔️ONLINE cross-platform racing ✔️RACING TEAM: the player can hire to his team a variety of professionals who give bonuses to league points, fuel, change different characters of cars, increase the earnings of the racing reward. ✔️Splendid scenery ✔️Lots of bosses and competitions ✔️Championships ✔️Free races ✔️Daily quests ✔️Achievements ✔️Leaderboards ✔️Great 3D graphics ✔️Special effects ✔️50 cars of different classes and many happy wheels ✔️4 regions with variety of locations Just what you like most. See you on the race track. And happy wheels are waiting for you! 真正的赛车体验在拖拽战斗:赛车游戏4真正的赛车手等待着你。这是一款高品质的赛车游戏,在其他具有出色图形和游戏性能的比赛游戏中脱颖而出。不仅可以以“内部视野”方式驾驶,而且还可以享受创造力,例如从您自己的草稿中构建新零件,将其应用于汽车并赢得 RACE 。 超过500万感恩的赛车手和车手正在享受比赛! ⭐️ STYLING CAR 样式功能可让您改变汽车的外观和感觉,从前大灯到车身套件。多种颜色和颜色可供选择。你可以成为汽车的真正机械师。广泛的改进:视觉,车身套件,车轮轮辋,车身延伸和不同类型的支付,以及影响车辆技术特性的改进。 驾驶员技能 通过学习新技能提升您的驾驶员水平。有许多新功能,由您来决定您的构建将是什么样的。通过升级和训练赛车游戏中的新技能,了解真正的极限赛车手的工作方式。职业模式包括30个老板,10个锦标赛和锦标赛。 的 TUNING 的 您一定会喜欢非线性汽车升级模型。数以百计的备件正在等待游戏中的调整。没有合适的人吗?在比赛中赢得他们或使用自己的草稿创建您喜欢的部分。这个游戏是一个伟大的汽车修理工模拟器,将让你成为一个真正的汽车调校大师。这种汽车升级功能使每个比赛都能达到最佳效果并赢得汽车的新零件。有50辆不同级别的汽车:从标准的城市轿车到超级跑车和特殊的高速赛车。 驾驶物理 享受真正逼真的赛车游戏。空气动力学,轮胎成分,重量分布,功率重量比。每个细节都重要! 各种地点 有4个地区有各种各样的地点:任务和不同的路线,特殊的运动轨道,以及非法竞争对手的城市,郊区,工业路线。 主要特点: ✔在轨道上汽车的物理性质 ✔️EXCLUSIVE用于飙车的车型:从后部和汽车内部 ✔️VISUAL改进了汽车,发动机罩,扰流板,保险杠等。 ✔️RPG元素:不仅能够吸引汽车,还能吸收角色的技能。 ✔️VARIETY类型的比赛,从古典,¼英里和一英里,并以突围赛车结束。 ✔在竞赛结束前选择轮胎选项 ✔️ONLINE跨平台赛车 ✔️RACING团队:玩家可以向他的团队雇佣各种专业人员,他们可以为联赛积分奖励,加油,改变汽车的不同角色,增加赛车奖励的收益。 ✔️Splendid风景 ✔️老板和比赛 ✔️Championships ✔️免费比赛 ✔️Daily任务 ✔️Achievements ✔️Leaderboards ✔️Great3D图形 ✔️特殊效果 ✔️50不同级别的车和许多快乐的车轮 ✔️4各个地点的地区 正是你最喜欢的。在赛道上见。快乐的轮子在等着你!