
Troll Face Quest: Silly Test 简介

Troll Face Quest: Silly Test
Troll Face Quest: Silly Test
Troll Face Quest: Silly Test
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Troll Face Quest: Silly Test _游戏简介_图3
Troll Face Quest: Silly Test _游戏简介_图4
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Welcome to Troll Face Quest Adventures. It's a world of mad riddles, impossible quizzes, and silly jokes. Are you ready to put your brain to the test and avoid getting trolled It’s adventure time! It’s craziness time! It’s time for the one and only Troll Face Quest: Silly Test! It's the craziest point and click adventure game out there. Challenge yourself with the craziest puzzle adventure game in the world. Troll Face Quest: Silly Test is about to push your brain to the limit and test your sanity. How mad will you get? Escape boredom with this tricky and rebellious point and click adventure game that will question everything you know about quizzes, puzzles, and tests of your brain power. Play it now and discover what the old gang of silly trolling pranksters brought to the table this time. Will you fall flat and get trolled or master this incredibly funny yet tricky test of your wits? Is your brain ready for the impossible amounts of silliness, jokes, and quizzes? Don’t trust your instincts or you’ll fall flat instantly. Think outside the box and pass these tricky tests like a pro. Don't get fooled! As silly at it looks, you’ll LOL, but also push your brain to the limit with this funny puzzle adventure created by the famous Troll Face Quest crew. Expected the unexpected! But also expect some cool features: Brand new and funny tests, quizzes, and riddles. Mad point and click adventures and insane quests. Sharp graphics and impeccable design full of spoofs and jokes. Surprising twists and turns that will puzzle your mind and test your brain. Challenge yourself today and achieve the impossible! Try not to fall flat and get trolled - Become a master of the trickiest puzzles ever designed. Point and click your way to victory. d 欢迎来到Troll Face Quest Adventures。这是一个疯狂的谜语,不可能的测验和愚蠢的笑话的世界。你准备好让你的大脑进行测试并避免被trol 这是冒险时间!这是疯狂的时间!这是唯一的 Troll Face Quest:愚蠢的测试!这是最疯狂的点击冒险游戏。  使用世界上最疯狂的益智冒险游戏来挑战自己。 Troll Face Quest:愚蠢的测试即将把你的大脑推向极限并测试你的理智。你有多生气? Escape无聊与这个棘手和叛逆点和点击冒险游戏,将质疑你所知道的关于你的脑力的测验,谜题和测试的一切。 现在播放它,发现这一群傻傻的恶作剧恶搞者这次带来了什么 你是否会陷入困境并被控制或掌握这种令人难以置信的有趣而又棘手的智慧测试? 你的大脑是否准备好应对不可能的愚蠢,笑话和测验?不要相信自己的直觉,否则你会立刻陷入困境。在盒子外面思考并像专业人士一样通过这些棘手的测试。 不要上当受骗!看起来很傻,你会大笑,但也可以通过着名的Troll Face Quest工作人员创造的这个有趣的益智冒险将你的大脑推向极限。 期待意外! 但也期待一些很酷的功能: 品牌新颖有趣的测验,小测验和谜语 点击并点击冒险和疯狂的任务 锐利的图形和无可挑剔的设计充满了恶搞和笑话 令人惊讶的曲折将会困扰你的思想并测试你的大脑 今天挑战自己,实现不可能!尽量不要陷入困境并被拖累 - 成为有史以来最棘手的谜题大师。点击你的胜利之路。 d