
City Management: City Grower简介

City Management: City Grower
City Management: City Grower
City Management: City Grower
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Would You like to be a city manager? With this game You can manage special zones in Your city and let them grow. In real life, city management isn't easy but with City Grower You can play with pleasure building own city without any problems. It's not total idle city builder but You have to plan where and when to build new zones. Building city to fast will force You to problems with money, so be carefull. Your goal is to build as big city as possible. You need to care about food and other goods production and grow city. To do it, You need build new zones, expand map, use special fields to increase production. Build Your own city. You have to care about place to live for people and place to producing products for people. Careing about resources and money will help You grow super big city. When You fullfill whole fields, You can buy new one for earned money from people. You can build supply centers to deliver much further Your goods and build much bigger city. Managing of city is very hard process but with this game it will be a real pleasure. First You need Resources, so build one. Next one is farm to provide food. When You have basics You can build zone with houses. Every delivering zone have distance where it can deliver, higher level means further delivery circle. So... buy new zones, expand Your territority and build super big city, try to reach 100 M people. Features: 1. MAP Map is randomly generated. Map has 100x100 size. On map You can find: Water - blue field, water near farm increases food production Trees - green field with tree icon, trees under industrial zone increases zones's production Oil - green field with oil icon, oil under resources zone increases zone's production Diamond or Gold - green field with diamond or gold icon, diamond or gold under luxury zone increases zone's production 2. ZONES Resources - produces all kind of reasources for other zones. To produce something, needs only money. Can be upgraded to rise production and deliver resources further. Farm - produces food for houses. To produce, needs money and resources. Can be upgraded to rise production and deliver food further. Industrial - produces industrial products for houses. To produce, needs money and resources. Can be upgraded to increase production and deliver food further. Luxury - produces luxury products for houses. To produce, needs money and resources. Can be upgraded to increase production and deliver food further. House - has money income dependent of products delivery. Needs resources to be build, food to live, industrial and luxury products to generate more income. House zone is only one which can die because of lack of food. Supply center - zone which can store much more products and deliver to other zones. With these ones You can build deliver chains. 3. TRANSPORT Every zone, excluding House, has transport level. Every level is how far zone can deliver to other zones. For example '1' means that zone can deliver to only 1 slot near this zone - it can deliver to 6 neighboring zones. You can stop deliver to other zones by checking "Stop deliver to other zones" on zone panel. You can set zone to deliver only to supply zones by checking "Deliver only to supply centers" on zone panel. 4. BUILDING You can build new zones on empty fields. Building zones on special fields on map, gives You extra multiplier production. Every zone, excluding resources zone to be built needs resources and money. Resources zone need only money. To build zone You need to have zone which can deliver products to Yours new zone, so look out for transport level of neighboring zones. When You build house zone further than deliver capability, You will lose house zone. 你想成为一个城市的管理者?有了这个游戏你可以在你的城市管理特区,让他们成长。在现实生活中,城市管理是不容易的,但与城市种植者可以愉快地建设自己的城市没有任何问题发挥。这不是总的闲置城市建设者,但你必须计划在何处及何时建立新的区域。建设城市快速将迫使你用钱的问题,所以要小心。    你的目标是建设成为大城市越好。你需要关心粮食和其他商品的生产和发展的城市。要做到这一点,你需要建立新的区域,扩大地图,使用特殊领域提高产量。 建立自己的城市。你要关心的地方住的人,并把生产产品的人。 Careing有关资源和资金将帮助你成长的超级大城市。当您fullfill整个领域,你可以买到从人民血汗钱新的。 你可以建立供应中心更远您的货物,并建立更大的城市。城市的管理是非常艰难的过程,但这个游戏这将是一个真正的乐趣。 首先,你需要的资源,因此,建立一个。下一个是农场提供食物。当你有基础知识可以建立与房屋区。每个交付区有距离的地方可以提供更高水平的装置还交付圈。 所以......买新的区域,扩大你的territority和建设超级大城市,力争达到100米人。 特征: 1.地图 地图是随机生成的。地图有大小为100x100。在地图上可以找到: 水 - 蓝场,附近农田水利增加粮食产量 树 - 用树图标绿色的田野,树木下工业区增加区的生产 油 - 油图标绿色的田野,在资源区油区增加的产 钻石或黄金 - 与下豪华区钻石或黄金图标,钻石或黄金绿地增加区域的生产 2.开发区 资源 - 生产各类reasources其他区域。要生产的东西,只需要钱。可以升级到上升的生产和提供进一步的资源。 农场 - 房屋生产粮食。为了生产,需要资金和资源。可以升级到上升的生产,并进一步提供食品。 工业 - 生产工业产品的房屋。为了生产,需要资金和资源。可以通过升级增加产量,并进一步提供食品。 豪华酒店 - 生产奢侈品的房子。为了生产,需要资金和资源。可以通过升级增加产量,并进一步提供食品。 别墅 - 有钱的收入依赖于产品交付。需要资源可用于构筑,食以居住,工业产品和奢侈品来产生更多的收入。府区是唯一一个可以因为缺少食物而死亡。 供应中心 - 它可以存储更多的产品,并提供给其他区域区。有了这些的你可以建立交付链。 3.运输 每一个区域,不包括房子,有传输层。每一级是区多远可以送货到其他区域。例如,“1”表示该区域可以提供到只有1这个区附近插槽 - 它能够提供给6个相邻区。 您可以停止通过检查“停止交付给其他区域”区面板上提供到其他区域。   您可以设置区域只勾选“将只供应中心”区面板上提供给供应区。 4.建筑 你可以建立对空领域的新区域。在地图上特殊领域建设区,为您提供额外乘数生产。 每一个区域,不包括资源区建成的需求资源和金钱。资源区只需要钱。要建立区域你需要有能提供产品到您的新的区带,所以看出来的相邻区域的传输层。 当你建造房子区还比交付能力,你会失去房​​子区。