
♟️ Heroes Auto Chess: 塔防游戏简介

♟️ Heroes Auto Chess: 塔防游戏
♟️ Heroes Auto Chess: 塔防游戏
♟️ Heroes Auto Chess: 塔防游戏
平台 android
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♟️ Heroes Auto Chess: 塔防游戏_游戏简介_图1
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Enter brand new chess battlefield! Start playing in trending strategy game - Heroes Auto Chess! In Heroes Auto Chess you should build up your own playstyle, strategy and tactics, merge units into stronger ones and crush your enemies on the ches***oard! In Heroes Auto Chess you pick up different heroes and they will fight for you. By collecting three heroes of same class or race you merge it into a stronger unit. Put your evolved heroes on the deck and see how your heroes charge into brawl! Every round your chess heroes will be fighting against waves of enemies. Improve your strategy commander skills by managing your units on the board and in reserve. Apart of board strategy, get better at economics and always think what units to buy and where to save money for the next round if you want to win strategy war! It is very important because you have only one life! But the game doesn’t end completely when you lose! You can buy different upgrades such as board or reserve limit, gold gain few more if you want to reach the highest level! Good luck in becoming a grandmaster in Heroes Auto Chess! Heroes Auto Chess is an independent product that has nothing connected with Dota Auto Chess game.