
Maui Mini Educational Games简介

Maui Mini Educational Games
Maui Mini Educational Games
Maui Mini Educational Games
平台 android
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Maui Mini Games contains 25 mini games in a single app designed for children 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 year-old. This educational app is divided into four groups of games: 1st GROUP - Exploring and tapping children will start fun animations full of surprises and laughter. These games help babies and toddlers DISCOVER THE CONCEPT OF CAUSE AND EFFECT encouraging they innate sense of curiosity. 2nd GROUP - By sliding their finger through the screen children are challenged to find hidden pictures and animations accompanied by sound effects. A great and fun way for small children to DEVELOP THEIR MOTOR SKILLS. 3th GROUP - Through these simple drag-and-drop games children will learn to distinguish and associate shapes and colors. During this games the children will become familiar with the first NUMBERS, LETTERS and GEOMETRIC SHAPES. 4th GROUP - Memory card games are great for IMPROVING CONCENTRATION and MEMORY SKILLS. Great games for Preschoolers! 200 sounds effects were recorded and designed especially for Maui Mini Games by musicians with long experience in music education. Our team works with seriousness that toddlers and preschoolers deserve making their gaming time a beautiful and enriching experience. Fun and Learning with Maui Mini Games. For children safety, this app does not contain any type of advertisements or in app purchases, and does not require an Internet connection to function. Privacy policy This app does not collect any personal information, does not allow web browsing from within the app and does not connect to social media such as Face**** or Twi****. 毛伊岛迷你游戏包含25个迷你游戏,在一个单一的应用程序为儿童设计的2 - 3 - 4 - 5年岁。 这种教育的应用程序被分成四组比赛: 第一组 - 探索,挖掘孩子们开始好玩的动画充满惊喜和欢笑。这些游戏有助于婴幼儿DISCOVER原因的概念,作用,鼓励他们的好奇心天生的感觉。 第二组 - 通过在屏幕上滑动孩子手指的挑战是要找到隐藏的图片和动画伴有声音效果。为年幼的孩子一个伟大而有趣的方式来发展自己的运动技能。 3TH集团 - 通过这些简单的拖放和拖放游戏的孩子将学会分辨和准形状和颜色。在这个游戏的孩子将成为熟悉的第一个数字,字母和几何形状。 第四组 - 存储卡游戏是很好的改善注意力和记忆力技能。伟大的游戏学龄前儿童! 记录和音乐家与音乐教育的长期经验的毛伊岛的迷你游戏特别设计的200的声音效果。 我们的团队与幼儿和学龄前儿童活该让他们的游戏时间一个美丽而丰富的经验严重性。 乐趣和毛伊岛的迷你游戏学习。 为了孩子的安全,这个应用程序不包含任何形式的广告或在应用程序内购买,并且不需要连接到Internet的功能。 隐私政策 这个应用程序不收集任何个人信息,不允许网络浏览从应用程序内,并没有连接到社交媒体,如Face****或Twi****。