Hit the Button Maths is an app designed to help develop mental maths and calculation skills.
The app is aimed at 5-11 year olds. There are 166 different game modes of varying difficulty so it is useful throughout the primary school age range. Answer as many questions as possible in minute-long games, or you can now practice without the pressure of a countdown timer - a feature which is new for 2019. Questions are randomly generated which means it is very replayable. The game has been carefully designed for children, with large, widely spaced buttons. We recommend that young children play on a tablet.
Six main topics are covered:
* Times tables - up to 10 or 12
* Division - up to 10 or 12
* Square numbers
* Number bonds
* Doubling
* Halving
Between these topics, the four standard arithmetic operations are covered: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
You can create up to 30 player profiles per device to track an individual's high scores (increased from 15 in 2019). If you prefer there's also the option to play as a guest. All data is stored locally on your device so you don't have to worry about privacy issues. We've also made it very easy for children to quickly switch between profiles after playing a game, if they're sharing a device.
After each game, the score achieved is displayed along with the child's high score. Bronze, silver or gold stars and trophies are awarded depending on the score achieved in each game.
该应用程序针对5-11岁的孩子。有166种不同的游戏模式,难度各不相同,因此在整个小学年龄范围内都很有用。在长时间游戏中尽可能多地回答问题,或者你现在可以在没有倒计时器压力的情况下练习 - 这是2019年的新功能。问题是随机生成的,这意味着它是非常可重复的。该游戏专为儿童设计,有大而宽的按钮。我们建议幼儿在平板电脑上玩。
*时间表 - 最多10或12
*分部 - 最多10或12