
弹幕:月曜日 终章简介

弹幕:月曜日 终章
弹幕:月曜日 终章
弹幕:月曜日 终章
平台 android
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Bullet Hell Monday Finale is a bullet hell shooter game that’s great fun for beginners too. Avoid the bullets and shoot enemies. Upgrade your craft and aim to clear the Chapter Mode. ■ Chapter Mode Various missions await you in each stage -- from simple to challenging ones. Clearing missions like “Defeat 30 enemies!” unlocks a boss stage. Defeat the boss to proceed to the next chapter. ■ Strengthen your craft There are many level up options to strengthen your craft: shot power, shot speed, bomb duration, and more. Upgrade your craft and blast through the stages. ■ Great for beginners Stages start off easy and gradually get more and more intense. You have no obligation to clear the difficult missions. If you get stuck, try your hand at another mission. ■ Simple controls Use swipe gestures to move and attack, and tap with your other hand to launch bombs. These are the only skills available to you when you first start. As you progress through the game, you will gradually unlock new abilities. ■ Easy mode In Chapter Mode, you select the difficulty before starting a stage. Selecting Easy makes enemy attacks less intense and makes it easier to beat the stage. If you get stuck on a stage, try selecting Easy. ■ Twitter https://twitter.com/dot_decluster ■ Official site https://bullethellmonday-finale.storeinfo.jp * The app is free to download. * There is some paid content available via in-app purchases, but it can be unlocked with in-game points. * Contains video ads. Watching these videos gives you more in-game points. * Required RAM: 2GB+ Bullet Hell Monday Finale是一款Bullet Hell Shooter游戏,对于初学者来说也很有趣。避开子弹射击敌人。升级您的技能,并希望清除章节模式。 ■章模式 每个阶段都有各种任务等待着您-从简单到具有挑战性的任务。清除“击败30个敌人!”之类的任务解锁boss舞台。打败老板继续下一章。 ■增强您的工艺 有许多升级选项可以增强您的技能:射击力,射击速度,持续时间等等。在各个阶段升级您的工艺并爆炸。 ■非常适合初学者 阶段从容易开始,逐渐变得越来越激烈。您没有义务清除困难的任务。如果遇到困难,请尝试执行其他任务。 ■简单的控制 使用滑动手势进行移动和攻击,然后用另一只手点击以发射。这些是您初次使用时仅有的技能。 随着游戏的进行,您将逐渐解锁新功能。 ■简易模式 在章节模式中,您可以在开始阶段之前选择难度。选择“简单”可使敌人的攻击强度降低,并且更容易击败舞台。如果您陷在舞台上,请尝试选择“简易”。 ■推特 https://twitter.com/dot_decluster ■官方网站 https://bullethellmonday-finale.storeinfo.jp *该应用程序可免费下载。 *通过应用内购买可获得一些付费内容,但可以通过游戏中的积分解锁。 *包含视频广告。观看这些视频可为您提供更多的游戏积分。 *所需RAM:2GB以上