
Four Small Words简介

Four Small Words
Four Small Words
Four Small Words
平台 android
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Quick, think of one word that could group together rose, lotus, lily, and tulip! Easy - flower. Here’s something trickier. What one word could tie together ridicule, pig, hot, and beef? Give up? It’s the word roast. Four Small Words is brimming with these word puzzles for you to solve! If you fancy yourself a word nerd or puzzle fanatic, then this is the ultimate word game for you. It’s the perfect app for when you need to kill some time or just want to challenge your vocabulary smarts. Test out your word association skills by finding the common connection within a group of four words. It sounds simple enough, right? But here’s the twist: the word that ties together all of the other ones won’t always be obvious. The answer could be an analogy, synonym, or something else. This super addictive word game is a great way to test out your lateral thinking skills! How to play: Underneath the list of four words, you’ll be provided with empty spaces to fill in the common word. Using the built-in keyboard, tap the letters to enter your answer and see if you’re correct! Not the right answer? Just delete the letters and start again. This can be done by either using the backspace button or by simply tapping on the letter(s) you want to remove. If you’re stuck, try one of the two available power-ups to help you out. One will reveal a letter within the answer to get you on the right path. The other power-up will remove all of the unnecessary letters on the keyboard, leaving you only with the letters that make up the answer. For every level successfully completed, you’ll receive 10 in-game currency coins. Addicted to playing? That’s perfect because for every new day that you play, you’ll be rewarded with an additional 15 coins! Use those coins to buy those power-ups to help you out on the trickier levels. (There are no in-app purchases within the game.) Four small words, one awesome word puzzle. 快速,想到一个词,可以组合在一起上涨,莲子,百合,郁金香!容易 - 花。这里的东西棘手。什么一个字可以绑在一起调侃,猪,热,牛肉? 放弃?这是这个词烤。 四小言与这些字谜游戏为您解决洋溢!如果你喜欢自己一个字书呆子或拼图狂热,那么这是你最终的文字游戏。这是因为当你需要杀死一些时间,或者只是想挑战你的词汇智慧的完美应用。 通过寻找一组四个词中常见的连接测试出你的单词联想的技能。这听起来很简单,不是吗?但这里的扭曲:将一起所有其他的人的话并不总是显而易见的。答案可能是一个比喻,同义词,或别的东西。这个超级上瘾的文字游戏是测试你的横向思维能力的好方法! 怎么玩: 下面的四个词的列表中,你会提供空格填写常用词。使用内置键盘,点击字母输入您的答案,看看你是正确的!没有正确的答案?只需删除该信件和重新开始。这可以通过使用退格键或通过简单地在要删除的信(S)攻来完成。 如果你坚持,尝试两个可用的电源ups之一,为您排忧解难。一会揭晓答案中的一个字母,让你在正确的道路上。其他电将删除所有键盘上的字母不必要的,让你只构成答案的字母。 对于每一个级别成功完成后,您会收到10游戏中的货币硬币。沉迷于玩?这是完美的,因为每一个新的一天,你玩,你将与另外15个硬币奖励!用这些硬币购买那些电源UPS,以帮助你在棘手的水平。 (有没有在应用游戏内购买。) 四小换句话说,一个真棒字谜。