
Rock, Paper, Scissors Wizards!简介

Rock, Paper, Scissors Wizards!
Rock, Paper, Scissors Wizards!
Rock, Paper, Scissors Wizards!
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Rock, Paper, Scissors Wizards!_游戏简介_图4
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In Rock, Paper, Scissors Wizards! players follow Oscar Burlin, a loving father and magician who lives modestly and literally pulls rabbits out of a hat to make ends meet. An unfulfilled, gentle and hairy potter during the day, but a magician at heart, it seems only natural that he perform at his daughter's birthday party, and provides the entertainment to save a buck, rather than hiring another entertainer. Unfortunately, he is shamed and humiliated when his daughter, Bellatrix H.P. Burlin, and her friends claim he is not magician at all and is rather a hack who relies on cheap parlor tricks and a beautiful mustache to "entertain." Echoing in his head are his daughter's words, "Mom, can we get a real magician?" Oscar is truly haunted by his spoiled daughter's words, but rather than turn to bad habits, he decides to cope another way--by proving himself. In an effort to regain his daughter's respect, and prove to himself he's a true wielder of magic, Oscar enters a contest of magic, the main event for the annual magical carnival: Magicians, the Gathering. Oscar's power of split second foresight was never enough to allow him to dodge a punch, but it might be enough to give him the edge he needs while playing rock, paper, scissors. How far up the ranks can he climb? The number of contestants seems endless, and seeing as it's a magical contest, it could truly be never ending, but Oscar will stop at nothing to be the best and make his embarrassing failure at his daughter's birthday party all but disappear. HOW TO PLAY: Players battle an endless stream of mythical creatures, such as will-o'-the-wisps, goblins, gnomes, hippalectryons, tiny minotaurs, tarot card people, enamored rabbits, smiling spiders, wicked witches, and pint sized wizards. Players choose (tap) either rock, paper, or scissors and wage battle against opponents with the same options. To their advantage, Oscar's power of foresight shows players what their CPU opponent will choose three seconds to a split second before the reveal, decreasing in duration as the player climbs the ranks. The challenge lies in recognizing what the opponent will choose (Rock, Paper, or Scissors) quickly and choosing the correct option to defeat it in the time allowed. When the red health bar drops to zero from its five ticks, the game is over and the player must restart from level one. Health can only be gained by defeating a goblin king and looting his treasure chest for a single health bar segment. Stingy like Scrooge, yes, but it adds to the challenge. The goblin king is also randomly generated. Leaderboards allow players to see where they stand in the ranks of the fellowship of other talented magicians and wizards. 在摇滚,剪子,布奇才!玩家跟随奥斯卡Burlin,一个慈爱的父亲和魔术师谁住谦虚地从字面上拉兔子的帽子入不敷出。白天一个没有实现的,温和的和毛茸茸的波特,但心脏魔术师,似乎很自然的,他在他女儿的生日晚会上表演,并提供娱乐,以节省降压,而不是雇用另一艺人。不幸的是,他羞愧和羞辱时,他的女儿,贝拉特里克斯H.P. Burlin,和她的朋友声称他不是魔法师都与比较谁依赖于廉价的客厅技巧和美丽的胡子给黑客“自娱自乐”。在他的头部相呼应是他女儿的话说,“妈妈,我们可以得到一个真正的魔法师?”奥斯卡是真正被他宠坏女儿的话萦绕,但不是转坏习惯,他决定以应付另一种方式 - 通过证明自己。在努力夺回自己的女儿的尊重,并证明自己他是一个神奇的真正持有者,奥斯卡进入一个神奇的比赛中,年度魔幻狂欢节的重头戏:魔术师,聚会。 奥斯卡的一瞬间先见之明的力量是远远不够的,让他躲闪一记重拳,但它可能是足以让他边玩石头,剪子,布他所需要的优势。 他多远的行列可以爬?参赛者的数量似乎无穷无尽,并看到它是一个神奇的比赛,它可能真正成为永不落幕的,但奥斯卡会不择手段是最好的,让他尴尬的失败在他女儿的生日聚会,但都消失了。 玩法:玩家战斗神话生物,如形踪了,鬼火,地精,侏儒,hippalectryons,微小的牛头怪,塔罗牌的人,迷恋兔,微笑蜘蛛,巫婆邪恶,而身材娇小的向导层出不穷。 玩家选择(TAP)无论是摇滚,纸,剪刀或反对使用相同的选项对手工资战斗。他们的优势,奥斯卡的先见之明的力量显示玩家的是什么CPU的对手会选择三秒钟一秒钟之前透露,在持续时间减少为玩家攀登的行列。挑战在于认识什么对手会选择(摇滚,纸,剪刀或)快速选择正确的选项来打败它允许的时间。当红色血条从五个蜱下降到零,游戏结束,玩家必须从一个层面重新启动。 健康只能打败了一个精灵王抢他的百宝箱为单一健康酒吧段获得。抠门像守财奴,是的,但它增加了一定难度。精灵王也随机生成的。 排行榜让玩家看到他们站在其他天赋的术士和巫师的奖学金的行列哪里。