
1Word! - Free Puzzle简介

1Word! - Free Puzzle
1Word! - Free Puzzle
1Word! - Free Puzzle
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1Word! - Free Puzzle_游戏简介_图2
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1Word! - Free Puzzle_游戏简介_图4
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To all of you CrossWords lovers, quiz and other word-game afficionados. 1Word is the best companion to keep your taste for words and letters up to date. The game is available only in english, french and spanish 1word! is a word game like no other... Here are clues, riddles or simple sentences that help you solve and guess each new word. Use analogies and associations to make progress. There are different ways to express the same thing. Take care of the different shades of language, (english, american-english, words inherited from foreign language) this is a game full of challenges and definitely FUN! Found an unusual word? It might have been borrowed from another country and integrated to the language throughout history. 1word has a lot of surprises to offer. If a word seems incorrect, or if you experience any difficulty, do not hesitate to contact us via our support from the app or at support@sompom.com DID YOU KNOW THAT? - A 1 year old baby can understand between 65 and 110 words. - Some mammals can recognize up to 150 words! - A kid knows around 600 words. - A teenager in high school knows in average between 800 and 1600 words. - EFL Teachers say that you can make your way through every-day life with 300 words. And you? What can you do? Can you meet the challenge 1Word offers you? COMBOS Guess 5 consecutive words without help to cumulate points. Exchange your points against jokers to unlock difficult words. JOKERS - If you hesitate ask a letter to put you in the proper direction - Remove all useless letters from your dock and rebuild the word that your are missing. - Skip words that are too difficult to guess GOOGLE GAME SERVICES - 12 leadeboards - More than 50 achievements to unlock 为了大家填字游戏爱好者来说,竞猜等文字游戏afficionados。 1个字是保持你的单词和字母的味道最新的最佳伴侣。 本场比赛唯一的英语,法语和西班牙语可 1个字!是一个文字游戏一样,没有其他... 这里有线索,谜语或简单的句子,帮助你解决你猜每个新词。 使用类比和联想取得进展。有不同的方式来表达同样的事情。请注意语言的深浅不同,(英语,美式英语,从外语继承的话),这是一个游戏充满挑战和乐趣肯定! 发现一个不寻常的词吗?它可能是从其他国家借入并集成到整个历史的语言。 1个字有很多惊喜的提供。 如果一个词似乎不正确,或者您遇到任何困难,不要犹豫,通过我们的支持,从应用程序或support@sompom.com与我们联系 你知道吗? - 一个1岁的宝宝可以65到110字之间的了解。 - 一些哺乳动物最多可识别150个字! - 一个孩子都知道大约600字。 - 在高中少年知道在800至1600字之间的平均水平。 - 英语教师说,你可以用300个字让你的方式,通过每一天的生活。 你呢?你能做什么?你能满足1个字为您提供的挑战? COMBOS 猜猜连续5个字不利于累积积分。交换你的观点对王牌解锁难词。 笑话 - 如果你犹豫问了一封信,让你在正确的方向 - 从基座上取下所有无用的信件和重建你缺少字。 - 跳过这太难猜词 GOOGLE游戏服务 - 12 leadeboards - 超过50成就解锁