
Leo's FS West Coast简介

Leo's FS  West Coast
Leo's FS  West Coast
Leo's FS West Coast
平台 android
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Leo’s Flight Simulator is a realistic flight simulator for airplane fanatics. If you are searching for an accurate flying experience including the instrumentation and flying plan, Leo's Flight Simulator is for you. This is a really big app. If you want a little version with a little scenery and few aircrafts, download de version with the canary islands scenery https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.leobueno.leofssim.canary With realistic 3D graphics, maps and airports, you will prepare your flying plan, choosing from which airport you want to take off and in which one you want to land. All the real elements of the flying plan will be included. You will get hooked on the experience of flying in a realistic 3D scenarios following a real flying plan. Features: • A full featured flight simulator • Real 3D maps and sceneries, covering Canary Islands • Choose the time (day, dawn, night) and the weather conditions to fly • Prepare the flying plan (airports, runways, flying altitude, receiver frequency, etc.) • Realistic flying instruments Please, consider that this version is a working progress and we are still working hard. Also note that the user experience can vary significantly depending on hardware. Scenery range: (Area includes Seattle, San Diego and Flagstaff Lat:31N to 49N, Lon:, 125W to -105W 狮子座的飞行模拟器是飞机爱好者一个现实的飞行模拟器。如果您正在寻找包括仪表和飞行计划,准确的飞行经验,狮子座的飞行模拟器是给你的。 这是一个非常大的应用程序。如果你想有一个小的版本有一点风景和一些飞机,在加那利群岛风光下载德版 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.leobueno.leofssim.canary 凭借逼真的3D图形,地图和机场,你要准备你的飞行计划,从你想脱下哪个机场,并在您希望的土地哪一个选择。所有的飞行计划的实际内容将被包括在内。 您将获得在以下一个真实的飞行计划,逼真的3D场景飞行的经验大呼过瘾。 特征: •一个全功能飞行模拟器 •真3D地图和风景,覆盖加那利群岛 •选择时间(天,黎明,夜间)和天气条件下飞行 •准备飞行计划(机场,跑道,飞行高度,接收器频率等) •真实的飞行仪器 请考虑这个版本是一个工作进展,我们仍在努力。还要注意的是,用户的经验可以根据硬件显著变化。 风景范围:(地区包括西雅图,圣地亚哥和弗拉格斯塔夫 纬度:31N至49N, LON:,125W到-105W