
Catalyst Black简介

Catalyst Black
Catalyst Black
Catalyst Black
平台 android
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Catalyst Black is a team based 10 v 10, drop-in drop-out, large-scale shooter. Set in an inviting world of mystery and magic, each player has access to an array of fantastic weapons and abilities. Players can draw on the powers of ancient masks, allowing them to transform into primal forms from another realm. ==VIRTUAL JOYSTICK== It can be played on a virtual joystick, a physical controller or even with mouse and keyboard. The controls are designed to be accurate and crisp on all devices. ==MULTIPLE GAME MODES== Catalyst Black includes multiple maps and game modes where teams of 10 to 20 players compete both against each other and against powerful creatures ==NO WAITING - JUST DROP IN== Catalyst Black allows players to join or leave a match at any time, for any reason. This drop-in, drop-out design makes it easy to instantly find games or join friends just by dropping into their match. Play for 5 minutes or 5 hours -- it’s your choice. ==1000s of CUSTOM LOADOUTS== Collect, upgrade and customize your gear to create the perfect loadout for your playstyle. Hunt kills as a long-range sniper, focus on objectives as a short range assassin or support your team as a tanky healer. ==MOBILE COMBAT - EVOLVED== Show off your skill and tactical decision making in large scale battles featuring teams of 10+ as well as neutral monsters. Choose when to temporarily transform into a powerful primal and shift the tides in your favor. Super Evil Megacorp is a multi-award winning creator of category-defining multiplayer experiences for the touchscreen generation, committed to building the very best shared gameplay moments through deep technical and design excellence. We believe that gamers on every device deserve to play together in beautiful, responsive and deep AAA experiences, whichever their native platform or control mechanism. Built on the proprietary cross-platform E.V.I.L.™ game engine, the company’s first title, Vainglory, is the leading cross-platform MOBA, has been played by over 45 Million players and was an early mobile esports pioneer ------------------------------------------ Discord https://discord.gg/catalystblack Twitter https://twitter.com/catalystblk Facebook https://www.facebook.com/CatalystBlack/ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/catalystblackgame/ Website https://catalystblack.com/ Catalyst Black是一个基于团队的10 v 10嵌入式辍学大型射击游戏。在充满神秘色彩和魔力的诱人世界中,每个玩家都可以使用各种奇妙的武器和能力。玩家可以利用古代面具的力量,使它们从另一个领域转变为原始形式。 ==虚拟喜剧== 它可以在虚拟操纵杆,物理控制器上甚至使用鼠标和键盘来播放。这些控件在所有设备上都设计得准确,清晰。 ==多种游戏模式== Catalyst Black包含多种地图和游戏模式,其中10到20个玩家的团队可以互相竞争,也可以与强大的生物竞争 ==无需等待-只需输入== Catalyst Black允许玩家出于任何原因随时加入或离开比赛。这种插拔式设计使您可以轻松地立即找到游戏或加入好友,轻松加入游戏。播放5分钟或5个小时-由您选择。 == 1000秒的自定义输出== 收集,升级和自定义您的装备,为您的游戏风格创建完美的输出。亨特作为远程狙击手杀死敌人,将目标作为短距离刺客作为目标,或者作为坦克治疗师来支持你的团队。 ==移动战斗-进化== 在由10个以上的团队以及中立的怪物组成的大规模战斗中炫耀您的技能和战术决策。选择何时暂时转变为强大的原始生物,并根据自己的喜好改变潮流。 Super Evil Megacorp是屡获殊荣的创造者,为触摸屏一代提供类别定义的多人游戏体验,致力于通过精湛的技术和设计创造最佳的共享游戏时刻。我们相信,无论使用哪种本机平台或控制机制,每台设备上的游戏玩家都应该在优美,响应迅速且深入的AAA体验中一起玩耍。 该公司的首款产品Vainglory建立在专有的跨平台E.V.I.L.™游戏引擎之上,是领先的跨平台MOBA,已经有超过4500万玩家参与,并且是移动电竞领域的先驱 ------------------------------------------ 不和谐https://discord.gg/catalystblack 推特https://twitter.com/catalystblk 脸书https://www.facebook.com/CatalystBlack/ Instagram的https://www.instagram.com/catalystblackgame/ 网站https://catalystblack.com/