
Kingdomtopia: The Idle King简介

Kingdomtopia: The Idle King
Kingdomtopia: The Idle King
Kingdomtopia: The Idle King
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After living peacefully for years, Kingdomtopia, a medieval animal kingdom is invaded by an unknown enemy. This war left the entire kingdom in ruins and even led the death of the King. Along with your trusted advisor, Pug, play as a fledgling new king to rebuild your father’s kingdom back to its glory days. Restore districts, renovate and expand your empire to bring peace and prosperity to your loyal citizens. Honor your father’s last (and current) wishes after his passing to help grow your wealth exponentially with heirlooms. Show the world that the “Idle King” title is not earned by simply doing nothing… but successfully managing the kingdom itself! Features: ★ Be a King and manage your kingdom of adorable Animal subjects ★ Meet interesting characters from across the land ★ Amass wealth and let your kingdom grow even while you’re away ★ Invest in districts to boost your kingdom’s wealth ★ Hire mayors to collect taxes automatically for you and earn the title of the Idle King Kingdomtopia is the perfect game for you if you’ve previously experienced being a business tycoon or ruler of a prosperous kingdom! Head off on a new journey of turning your kingdom into a glorious utopia full of animals and creatures of all kinds. It is simple and easy as the king, simply enjoy your ice-cream and interact with your people while your mayors grow your riches and gain fame across the land. Prove yourself as the greatest Idle King to have ever lived in Kingdomtopia! For the latest news, updates, and events follow us on: Youtube : http://www.youtube.com/joyseedgametribe Instagram : http://www.instagram.com/joyseedgametribe Twitter : http://twitter.com/joyseedgame 和平生活了多年之后,中世纪的动物王国Kingdomtopia被一个未知的敌人入侵。这场战争使整个王国陷入废墟,甚至导致国王的死亡。 与您值得信赖的顾问帕格一起,扮演新兴的国王,重塑您父亲的王国,回到辉煌的年代。恢复地区,翻新并扩大您的帝国,为您的忠实公民带来和平与繁荣。 兑现您父亲去世后的最后(和当前)愿望,以帮助您通过祖传遗物成倍增长财富。向世界展示,“无所事事”头衔并非仅仅通过无所作为而获得,而是成功地管理了王国本身! 特征: ★成为国王,管理可爱的动物王国 ★结识来自全国各地的有趣人物 ★大量财富,即使您不在时也可以让您的王国发展 ★投资地区以增加王国的财富 ★雇用市长自动为您收取税款,并获得闲置之王的头衔 如果您以前曾是商业大亨或繁荣王国的统治者,那么Kingdomtopia是一款完美的游戏!踏上将您的王国变成充满各种动物和生物的光彩乌托邦的新旅程。作为国王,这很简单,只需享受您的冰淇淋,并与您的人民互动,而您的市长却会发财致富,并在全美声名gain起。证明自己是曾经在Kingdomtopia中生活过的最伟大的空闲之王! 有关最新消息,更新和事件,请关注我们: YouTube:http://www.youtube.com/joyseedgametribe Instagram的:http://www.instagram.com/joyseedgametribe 推特:http://twitter.com/joyseedgame